Brian Leung is the author of the acclaimed story collection World Famous Love Acts, and the novel Lost Me.
Here he shares some suggestions for the above-the-line talent in an adaptation of his new novel, Take Me Home:
Writers Read: Brian Leung.
--Marshal Zeringue
While I’m writing I never think of my novels in terms of movies, but it’s hard to escape the issue once they are in print and readers make suggestions as to who they imagine playing the parts in a film.Learn more about Take Me Home at Brian Leung's website.
For Take Me Home people have been stuck as to who would play Wing Lee (sheesh folks, Jackie Chan is too old and not handsome enough). A list of questionable/dubious suggestions for Addie Maine include The Olson Twins, Molly Ringwald, Nicole Kidman, and Miley Cyrus. If we can time travel, I’d suggest a young Katherine Hepburn if she could ditch the patrician accent!
But probably, I’d trust Ang Lee to direct the film and cast some really fine actors. Brokeback Mountain shows he has the gentle touch, and we’ve seen what he can do with action films. That said, I’d want Ron Howard to at least arm wrestle for the chance to direct Take Me Home. We could do that smack down on pay-per-view.
Writers Read: Brian Leung.
--Marshal Zeringue