Since my book is a memoir, my friends and family have great fun casting the imaginary movie (everybody loves to cast themselves). Suggestions for who would play me have pretty much been every tall blonde in Hollywood (e.g. Charlize Theron, Gwyneth Paltrow), plus Diane Lane (because she’s been in Under the Tuscan Sun and Must Love Dogs? Or simply because my boyfriend Chris would love to see his character star with Diane Lane). I’m flattered of course by all of these picks. My personal choice though is Lisa Kudrow—I think she’s just the right mix of smart and funny.Learn more about the book and author at Teresa Rhyne's website and The Dog Lived (and so Will I) blog.
As for who would play Chris, the male lead, I lean toward Corey Monteith (currently playing Finn on Glee) or Channing Tatum—his abs are just like Chris’s (ahem. That’s my reciprocation for Chris thinking Charlize or Gwyneth or Diane should play me).
As for Seamus, well, at home (and, all too frequently in public) we do his voice as a mixture of Irish brogue and Carl Spackler—Bill Murray’s character in Caddyshack. So it only makes sense Bill Murray would do Seamus’s voice. And naturally it would be Uno, Westminster Kennel Club champion beagle from a few years back, that played Seamus in the movie—nothing less for Seamus Luxury Leisure Danger Trouble Rhyne-Kern (the Famous).
Okay, that was a lot of fun. How do we get this movie made??
See--Coffee with a Canine: Teresa Rhyne & Seamus.
Writers Read: Teresa Rhyne.
--Marshal Zeringue
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